The college aims at an integral and personalized training of young men and women through Integral Pedagogy – Context, Experience, Reflection, Action and Evaluation –to be well motivated teachers who will be intellectually competent, morally upright, socially committed and spiritually inspired.

It is the aim of Sai College of Teacher Training that the students who take their training here become well formed guides who will accompany the young learner on his or her journey of becoming a  fully  human  person. The college,  therefore, offers  an  all-round  training,  one  that is  at  once intellectual, cultural, social, emotional, physical, aesthetic, moral and spiritual.

The  college further aims at  promoting  values  such  as respect for Indian common cultural heritage, egalitarianism,  democracy,  secularism,  equality  of  sexes, protection  of  environment, removal of social  barriers, responsible  use of cybernetics and mass media, transparency and probity in private and public life, observance of  small family norms, national unity, and respect for religious and moral values.

In  addition, the  college  aims  at conducting in –service programmes for teachers and administrators already working in schools in order to update them on educational issues and findings and to develop the required skills using modern information technology and innovative practices. Besides, the college will undertake documentation and research in relevant educational areas.

In Particular

  1. Personalized training through Integral Pedagogy and mentoring
  2. All round training that is intellectual, cultural, social, emotional, physical, aesthetic, moral and spiritual
  3. In-service training for teachers
  4. Use of IT communication media and innovative practices
  5. Documentation and research
  6. Environment education for substainability, and
  7. Empowerment of subalterns including women